Linary Kids

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Our Mission

The Linary Children's ministry exists to partner with parents and supplement the family's work to build a spiritual foundation that will, in God's timing, lead their child to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ.

Linary is a place where children are excited to learn about Jesus through fun, relevant communication, a place children eagerly anticipate coming to each week, & a place children can find out how they fit into God's story.

Linary has a children's ministry where, each week, dedicated volunteers come equipped with a passion to serve these children a passion to reach, teach, and love them.

Our kids ...

  • Need to know the Gospel of Jesus above all else;

  • Need to know that we love the Word of God as the central guide in our lives;

  • Need to know what it means to live a Spirit led life by seeing us live Spirit led lives.

Our kids . . .

  • Need to see us loving God with all of our hearts, souls & minds, in spite of our imperfect lives;

  • Need to see our love for God in action through our love for others;

  • Need to see God's love for them in the way we show our love for them.

Our kids . . .

  • Need to experience true worship by seeing us live lives of true worship;

  • Need to experience true forgiveness so that they can learn to forgive;

  • Need to experience true service by serving alongside those who will teach them to serve.

Our kids . . .

  • Need to be taught the facts of God's Word as a basis for learning the principles of God's Word;

  • Need to be taught the principles of God's Word so that they can live in a world without principles;

  • Need to be taught how to live without compromise in a world full of compromise.

Our kids . . .

  • Need us to stop being distracted . . .

  • Need us to stop making excuses . . .

  • Need us to stop talking the talk without walking the walk . . .


Our kids need us to make a radical commitment to live radical lives because we serve a radical God who loves us with a radical love. Our kids need us to live with the conviction that what we say we believe we actually believe, that who we say we are is who we actually are, and that our love for God and our love for others supersedes all other loves. Our kids need us to see a real, authentic, uncompromising and fully committed faith. For it is in seeing this faith that they will see it's power, and in seeing it's power they will claim it for their own.  And it's in claiming a powerful faith in Jesus that our kids will have what they really need. Join us as we Serve OUR KIDS!!!